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You Need an Attitude Adjustment when Facing Death or Divorce

Posted on by pat

Frequently I hear from people going through a death or divorce that state they can’t handle the stress from the ordeal. They are mentally handicapped with fear paralyzing them from going forward.

How do you get over this fear? You need an attitude adjustment to revitalize your life. Most people are, by nature, fearful and pessimistic so adopting a new sense of self-confidence is daunting and you have just had a devastating blow to your confidence.

To get started on your road to reclaiming your life you have to get into the habit of trying new things daily, making yourself heard when necessary and be determined to find the things that will make you happy. There is no room for pessimism in the process and it is essential that you push negative thoughts from your head by thinking of pretty places and favorite friends.

Gaining self-confidence can be nothing more than a walk in the park or eating two scoops of ice cream to sooth your grieving soul.  Once your mind is open to exploring your surroundings and embracing the change within, you will find self confidence to face this and other difficulties with ease.

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The ABC's of Widowhood